Saturday 18 December 2010

Hayfever day

Just chatting with the folks in the UK and it became apparent of all the differences we encounter (being a brit abroad). We are constantly talking about 'what time is it', 'whats the weather like', 'what have you been doing'. When they are the same the world over. I wonder if someone skyping with her family in the north pole would find her mother asking 'what time is it there' and for her to tut and say 'you always ask that'.

For me:
sun here, snow there
morning here, night time there
washing done, cleaning done here, same there!

Only difference is the cold ive got is Hayfever induced ;(

Friday 17 December 2010

twenty eleven

so its nearly the end of the year and im looking back at some of the achievements of 2010. The half ironman January seems so long ago now and i dont seem to have done much else since but get injured, trained hard, not trained, got back into training, worked alot, travelled some.

I would like to look back at 2011 and to be pleased I got over injury, trained hard, worked less and been more consistent

so we'll see how we go......